Today, my niece turned 3 months old. It’s hard to believe I was there the day she was born and she was just as fragile & tiny as ever. Her cheeks were so puffy, she barely made a peep & she was soooo so so sleepy. A few days later, she was getting used to the world & she just looked like a doll in her newborn photos. Her mommy & daddy have taken on these new roles in their lives and are doing such an amazing job as parents. It’s been natural for them since day 1. We took her 3 month photos today and she is sitting up, she can see so much & follow everyone around with her eyes, she makes the cutest cooing noises & she smiles and giggles at everything! Everyone in her life loves and adores Jayla with their whole being, and I am just SO lucky to be her auntie & to be able to capture every step of her life and my sister’s journey in parenthood. Xo